Sunday, December 25, 2011

December 20th Ningbo and Enmei Orphanage

Skyline of Hangzhou
We were told these are farmers' houses!  Slightly different from home!
Today we made the adoption final!  Our hotel was in Hangzhou (the capital), where we finalized the adoption (first stop), and we had to travel to Ningbo to apply for Jada's passport.  On the way we picked up the orphanage assistant director who took us to lunch at a farmer's home/restaurant, then we got to visit the orphanage!  We took so many pictures, and I have many to share!  ;o)  We got to take pictures of her classmates and they allowed us to see her room, her classroom, watch a music class and take pictures on the playground!  It was very rushed because we had to get to downtown Ningbo to apply for the passport after that.  It all went very smoothly, but Jada got sick several times in the van from motion sickness.  It didn't help that she has a rotten cold with a very runny nose.  We got home very late.  It was a successful, good, and hard day.  We are still thanking God for His care and provision.


  1. She is sooooo cute! Sorry that she is sick. I pray that you will be able to comfort her in a special way through her sickness and that it will lead to wonderful bonding/attachment time for you both. I am excited that you were able to see so much at the orphanage and take pictures. I had been told that we might not get to take pictures at EnMei. I can't wait to see them! Do you have any of XiaoYao?

  2. Oh wow - how wonderful for you - they wouldn't let us anywhere near the orphanage.

  3. I'm sorry she is struggling with that cough. Jesiah had the same thing. His went away after several days. I'm so jealous you got to go to the orphanage!! Such a great thing to have gotten to do. Were you the only Holt family in province?
