Thursday, September 29, 2011

Hmmmmm #2

Okay, this may be totally silly, but I'm thinking I need a picture of "Debbie Downer" from SNL in my living room.  My cousin (thank you Traci!) just commented that we should NOT hang out right now as we'd totally be Debbie Downers together!  Now that's funny stuff, and yet pretty stinkin' profound because I've been really low again, fighting off serious self-pity at the lack of paperwork coming my way.  I am having trouble thinking of any happy thoughts.  My mind attacks all of the imperfections in my children, my husband, my house, and especially myself. 
Something clicked for me though, when I thought of myself as Debbie Downer.  I get to adopt this little girl...this beautiful little girl!  Add to that, I will be leaving the continent and traveling the globe for the first time in my life.  I can't express how exciting that is to me!  We really should be traveling within a few months even if it won't be in 2011.  God is providing in amazing ways, and I do believe He has promised to take care of us even without the 2011 tax credit.  Oh, and I bought the cutest bright pink coat for my Jada last weekend, with a matching hat and mittens! 
I have so much to be thankful for, and really and truly no reason to fret.  And yet, even since I've started typing this, the sadness is creeping in again.  I want to get this little girl and bring her home.  Praise God that the Spirit can intercede for us with groans that words cannot express.

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