Monday, July 25, 2011

and waiting some more....

Well, here we are at day 81 and we're still waiting for our LOA (letter of approval).  Not that I'm counting or anything.  I'm in a bit of a dark mood today.  I didn't realize it until I had to speak to one of my unsuspecting family members and everything I said was tinged with grouchiness.  And here I thought I was doing okay today.  It goes to show that character can only be tested by other people.  Anyway....

I have no news to share, nothing to write about except this sad, nagging expectation of an email, that is likely not coming today. 

I better pray then, huh?

Oh Father God, You know what should happen here.  Please, let Your good, pleasing and perfect will cause all of the adoption paperwork to happen in Your timing.  Please help me to learn this patience You are trying to teach me during this time.  Create in me a clean heart O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.  Help me to be real with myself and others but also to rise above this self pity I feel today.  I'm sad and anxious and just want to bring this little girl home.  Please hold her and ready her for her transition into our family.  Please cause this time to be fruitful for her, that it will be beneficial for her to wait somehow.  But I do ask that PLEASE, please let us move along as quickly as Your perfect timing will allow.  I'm so sorry that I am not waiting gracefully and making better use of this time on my side of the world.  Please help me to do better. 

You alone are worthy.  In Jesus' Name, AMEN 

1 comment:

  1. Oh, Beth. I almost teared up reading your post. Here's a BIG hug from me...and grace, grace, grace to you! Praying for you all.
