Tuesday, May 3, 2011


We got a call the very next day for a referral!  Oh how silly and impatient I am!  I knew it even then, but couldn't shake it.  Now I can tell my new daughter that as I sat there, crying (quite literally) about not getting a phone call about her, the phone rang.  It was my agency telling me they had a match for us!  On my husband's birthday!  A three year old little girl!  By the way, Laith has been saying he wants a 2-3 year old and I have said a 3-4 year old is what I want.  Perfect!  So anyway, she has had corrective surgery for her health issue and is otherwise perfectly healthy!  Praise the Lord!  It's like knowing there may be something wrong with your baby while you're pregnant, only to find out she's fine!  We were ready for much bigger issues to deal with, and we're thrilled that our daughter's prognosis is "excellent." 

She just had her birthday so I went shopping to celebrate!

Happy 3rd Birthday Jada!

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